Sunday, July 30, 2006

3M - 100 Toa Payoh Lorong 1, 29 July 2006

Judul di atas bukannya untuk promosi produk 3M yang bisa dibeli di blok 100 Toa Payoh lorong 1 pada tanggal 29 July 2006 lho...
Sekali dua bukan.... tapi 3M disini merupakan singkatan dari Makan-Makan Mela (itu tuh... ibu presidennya ISM-IndoSingMum- yang merangkap gubernurnya Bukit Batok, ehhmmm sejak kapan jabatan presiden bisa dirangkap dengan jabatan gubernur ya bu???).
Ceritanya, si Mela dapat remisi dari pemerintah Singapore untuk segera meninggalkan negeri-pulau-kota ini, pada tgl 30 July 2006 dan melanjutkan pemenjaraan selanjutnya di pulau Batam, yang cuman terpisah sedengkal dari singapore...
Untuk merayakan hari kemerdekaannya Mela bersama keluarganya, kaum ibu anggota ISM berkumpul di BBQ pit dekat blok 100 Toa Payoh Lorong 1.

Acaranya makan-makan sambil BBQ aneka sate.. bakso (ueenakk banget lho ... pake koyor lagi), lotek (puedes n seger), mpek2 (katanya sih ada, tapi waktu aku datang udah ludes-des-des), migor, es chendol, aneka jelly, aneka krupuk, sate padang (yang juga langsung mak les... abis, huhu aku gak sempet ngicipin satu tusukpun, protes ah!), sate ayam, sate kambing, sate udang, apa lagi ya..... dan percaya apa nggak, 1001 botol minuman (hehehe.. ketahuan banyak yang nggak bawa makanan, tapi beli soft drinks doang). Juga ada buah kelengkeng yang bunder (sejak kapan ada yang lonjong/kotak ya??) en manis.

Yang datang lumayan rame... yang aku inget&kenal ya... tentunya si pemeran utama, Mela, nyonya rumah:Hany, preman wesmol: Cindy, Rita (yang udah ketemuan di BotGar, tapi akunya lupa, sorry ya Rita), Ellen, Lia, Devi (ada 2, dan keduanya dari Tampines.. nah lu!), Elda, Echie, Gita, Wiwien (bumil), Lenny, Ati, Shinta, Mala (gengnya Elda/Lia), Luki (yang datang setengah lambat), Anita (yang baik, karena terus bakar2 sate tanpa henti), Lala (ibunya Bhagas??).... ama yang lainnya yang belum sempat kenalan...

Setelah dirasa tiap2 orang cukup kenyang dan kuat untuk menahan tangis, preman wesmol (Cindy) bercuap-cuap minta perhatian untuk meminta Mela naik ke panggung gembira... Dengan didampingin si abangnya (padahal pake kaos item lho.. kok dipanggil abang ya??), Mela mengeluarkan uneg2nya, keberatan hatinya untuk meninggalkan negeri pulau kota ini yang sudah dianggapnya sebagai rumah kedua, dan yang terutama karena harus meninggalkan banyak temen2 baiknya yang masih tertinggal di pulau kecil ini. Berhubung panggilan negeri tercinta, beliao harus dan dengan rela mengikuti suami yang pindah tugas di Batam...(daripada si Abang nanti cari-cari lagi ya Mel...).

(komentar untuk foto ini: Mela lagi asyik berdangdut ria, koq si Abang malah assyik ngemil krupuk, apa sekedar alasan biar gak ikutan nangis ya Bang??)

Di sela-sela pidato keibuan, acara terkena interupsi gara-gara munculnya si kakek sexy di salah satu jendela di blok 100... (sungguh mati aku jadi penasaran, kok ada aja yang tau kalo kakek itu nongol sih??) --> keliatan si kakek gak?? tuh di jendela ke 4 dari atas kanan..

Acara dilanjutkan dengan pemberian kenang-kenangan oleh ibu preman dan diikuti dengan acara tangis-menangis (antara Mela & Gita) untuk mengenang masa-masa kebersamaan mereka di singapore diwaktu-waktu yang lampau...

Sementara para ibu dan bapak serius mengikuti upacara keibuan, eh.. anak-anak kecil dengan inisiatif mereka (atau ada yang nyuruh??), meneruskan acara pembakaran sate yang sempat ditinggalkan sejenak...

Acara dilanjutkan dengan pemotretan bersama, pilih2 sendiri deh mau foto dengan celeb yang mana... pokoknya hari itu, yang pake baju/kaos item adalah celeb (termasuk devi tampines yang bojonya ramu, hehe). Acara ini paling seru deh... ibu2 rupanya pada demen diphoto.. malah ada yang komentar: "Oh.. gini toch rasanya jadi fotomodel dadakan?"


(pink: Shinta, orange: Devi tampines, yang item gedhe: Mela sang bintang, item kecil: Devi 'Ramu' tampines, biru: Susana depan: Echie, digendongan Maira)

(ki-ka: Mala, ??, duduk Hany, Cindy, Ellen), belakang: Elda, Susana, ??, Lenny) - yang ?? sorry, kemarin belum sempat kenalan, ada yang bisa kasih tau siapa sih mereka berdua??

Lastly, met jalan ya Mela sekeluarga, semoga di tempat yang baru bisa terus berjuang dengan sukses dan berhasil mencapai kedudukan sebagai gubernur kepulauan riau seperti yang diharapkan dalam pidatomu, dan jangan lupa janjimu untuk makai kalung baru sewaktu pelantikan, lho!.

Jangan lupakan kami yang masih belum mendapatkan remisi di sini. Sering2 datang sambil bawa makanan indonesia (hmmmm). Sorry, besok gak bisa nganter ke Ferry terminal. Tuhan memberkati, amen

Photo-2 yang lebih komplit, klik di sini dong!
Mau liat lagi? klik sini untuk liat koleksinya jeng Hany

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Haven't you ever wondered...??

* Why the sun lighten our hair, but darkens our skin?
* Why women can't put mascara on with their mouths closed?
* Why you've never seen the headline "Psychic wins lottery"?
* Why "abbreviated" is such a long word?
* Why doctors call what they do "practice"?
* Why you have to click on "Start" to stop Windows on your PC?
* Why lemon juice is made with artificial flavours, while dishwashing liquid is made with real lemons?
* Why the man who invests all your money is calles a broker?
* Why there isn't mouse-flavoured cat food?
* Who tastes dog food when it has a "new and improved" flavour?
* Why don't they make the whole plane out of the material used for the indestructible black box?
* Why sheep don't shrink when it rains?
* Why, if con is the opposite of pro, Congress not the opposite of progress?
* Why they call the airport "the terminal" if flying is supposed to be so safe?

Spotted by Esther Au Yong and published at The New Paper 22/7/06 page 26...

Fireworks... kembang api, hoorraayyy!!

Just received news from my hubby that next week there is another fireworks festival in conjuction with Singapore 41th years, National Day Parade.
For those who wants to watch, just take note on the following dates:

Singapore Fireworks Festival 2006
Organiser: UnUsUaL Productions Pte LtdThe
Shows begin at 9pm
Location: Espalanade Bay

Sat, 5 Aug 2006: Team ITALY by Mr Francesco AMBRICO of Magic Events.

Tue, 8 Aug 2006: Team SINGAPORE by Mr Hery NG of Spectaworks Pte Ltd.

Fri, 11 Aug 2006: Team NEW CALEDONIA by Mr Charles GERMAIN of Inter-Dis SARL.

Sat, 12 Aug 2006: A Complimentary Musically Choreographed Fireworks Display by the French Team of Singapore Fireworks Festival 2004.

Website: (official launch on Sat, 15 Jul 2006)

Pertanyaan yang paling ditakuti Pria/suami

Pagi ini, dalam perjalanan ke kantor, DJ radio Gold 90.5 membicarakan tentang 5 pertanyaan yang paling ditakuti para pria/suami....
Waktu aku mendengar, jadi senyum2 sendiri, soalnya kok pas banget ama yang sering aku tanyakan ke bekas pacar (sekarang suami lah yah).

Pertanyaan2 tersebut adalah:
1. What are you thinking about?
Apa yang sedang kamu pikirkan, sayang?

Kalo mau jujur, dia pasti menjawab ini... itu.... tapi kalo nggak bilang kalo dia sedang memikirkan kita, pasti kitanya marah kan???

Kalo aku tanya dia, paling2 juga dia nggak ngejawab... soalnya kalo ada masalah pasti juga urusan judek dengan kerjaan... asal jangan karena ada WIL aja, aku gak tau juga gak apa2 kok...

2. Do you love me?
Kamu sayang ama aku nggak?

Coba kalo dia ngejawab kayak gitu... mulut kita pasti maju 5 cm, tul nggak?? Maunya sih, tiap hari dia selalu bilang 3 kata ajaib tersebut ya...? Coba baca tulisan si Lia tentang...fase cinta
Dari dulu doi paling pelit mengucapkan kata2 romantis... jadi kadang2 ya harus dikasih umpan dulu supaya dia mau mengucapkan the 3 magic words....

3. Do I look fat?
Apakah aku gendut??

Kalo sejujurnya dia mestinya menjawab : Ya lho....! (kalo si istri emang endut..). Wow... bisa dibayangin gimana respons si istri kalo doi ngejawab kayak gitu, pasti langsung masuk kamar, ngambek nggak mau masak, nggak mau ngomong, nggak mau ngapa-apain ... Lha gimana dong? Enaknya dia menjawab apa? Untuk amannya, doi harusnya menjawab: "Dibandingin ama siapa dulu??, Gendut apa nggak yang penting aku cayang kamu... cup..cup..cup..."
Nah lu......

Hehe... kalo aku sih emang endut, jadi pertanyaanku ke doi bukan seperti di atas, tapi waktu liat ada cewek lain yang juga 'endut' langsung deh tanya... eh endut mana, dia apa aku???

4. Am I Pretty??
Apakah aku cantik??

Terus terang, aku sih nggak pernah nanya ini ama bekas pacar, soalnya tau diri dong...!
Untuk yang pernah tanya, sebagian besar suami akan menjawab:"Ya", karena dimata suami, istri harus cantik dong.... paling nggak kepribadian istri itu pasti cantik. Kalo nggak, masak dia mau bela-belain nikah ama kita, tinggal serumah bertaon-taon .... tul nggak? Yang penting PD deh ama diri sendiri....

5. What will you do if I die first?
Kamu mau ngapain kalo aku koit duluan?

Kalo doi njawab, merrid atau nggak merrid... apapun jawabannya kita juga pasti nggak seneng hati.. membayangkan kalo dia bakal kawin lagi ama perempuan lain.. atau dia bakal sendirian menjalani hidup ini tanpa pendamping... Gimana dong??
Kata si DJ, harusnya doi menjawab: Kalo kamu koit, aku juga ikutan dong...supaya sama-sama....
Ada satu kalimat tentang persahabatan yang pernah aku baca dari email:
kalo kamu meninggal, aku mau meniggal satu hari sebelumnya, supaya aku nggak usah merasakan kehilangan dirimu....

Gimana??? Ada comments? Ayo cerita dong, gimana pengalaman kalian2?? Ditunggu ya...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Musim Buah-Buahan

Kayaknya sekarang lagi musim buah-buahan di Singapore dan Malaysia... banyak pohon buah-buahan yang sedang berbunga... Berikut hasil jepretan kamera kami (kecuali gambar kecil2 itu diambil dari internet). Sekedar ingin berbagi dengan mereka yang mungkin belum pernah melihat tanamannya meski sering bahkan suka makan buahnya....

Mangga, Mangifera indica

(Photo tanaman diambil dari Bukit Gombak, dekat Quilin View, Singapore)

Rambutan, Nephelium lappaceum

(Photo tanaman diambil dari Johor, Malaysia)

Sawo Manila, Chiku, Sapodilla, Achras sapota

(Photo tanaman diambil dari Johor, Malaysia)

Manggis, Garcinia mangostana

(Photo tanaman diambil dari Johor, Malaysia)

Durian, Duren, Durio zibethinus

(Photo tanaman diambil dari Johor, Malaysia)

Duku, Langsat, Lansium domesticum

(Photo tanaman diambil dari Lim Chu Kang Lane 3, Singapore)

Sunday, 23 July 2006

Last Sunday, after church, we went to Bukit Chandu [meaning is *OPIUM HILL*, don't know why...anybody know?), somewhere near Pasir Panjang, the other side of Kent Ridge Park.
We did not go into the exhibition area, just at the outer area. For the photo, please click here Photo at Bukit Chandu, Outer Park
The location is at 31K Pepys Road, Singapore 118458
Opening Hours: 9am - 5pm, Tuesday - Sunday (so.. don't go there on Monday.... you will only can be at the car park... but is a nice place for outing and discussion, quiet and shady place..)

How to get there??
By Car/Taxi: A quick 30-minute drive from the city, take AYE and exit at Buona Vista South until you arrive at Pasir Panjang Road. Turn left and turn left again at the 5th junction to enter Pepys Road. Parking is free.

By SBS/TIBS: Alight in front of Pasir Panjang Neighbourhood Police Post (109A Pasir Panjang Road) using the following services from the following locations:
From HarbourFront Centre - SBS 10, 30, 143 and TIBS 188

The entrance fee is S$2.00 for adults.. but is free during certain public holiday (Hari Raya, Deepavaly, X-mas, New Year, 3rd day of Chinese New Year).

From Bukit Chandu, since still early, we continue our journey to Science Centre at Jurong East. Again, we did not go into the exhibition area, just at the outer court.

There is a new attraction (for us is new.... since we never come to this place for almost 3 years), is the Water Works. You can go into this area if you buy the entrance ticket to see the exhibition area. We did not go in, but this area can be seen from outside as shown in the photo here:
Photo at Science Centre, Water Works
Believe me 99.99% , that all the children will happy to be here....

Additional information about Science Centre:
Located at 15 Science Centre Road, near Jurong East area.

This place is a fun place for the whole family with a range of interesting and interactive exhibits and it is suitable for a family outing.
Next door, one of the most technologically-advanced theatres in the world, the Omniplanetarium offers both Omnimax movies and Planetarium shows. Outside we can explore the Kinetic Garden, Asia's first outdoor interactive garden of science.
The latest attraction is the Water Works...a place for fun, wet and learn about water....

Operating hours:
Science Centre: 10.00am to 6.00pm (Tuesday to Sunday and public holidays).
Admission to Science Centre: SGD 6.00 (Adult), SGD 3.00 (Child)

Omnimax: 10.00am to 8.00pm (Tuesday to Sunday and public holidays).
Admission to Omnimax: SGD 10.00 (Adult), SGD 5.00 (Child

How to get there???
Bus: SBS 66, 178, 198, 335
Nearest MRT Station: Jurong East
More information about Science Centre.... click here Science Centre

Monday, July 24, 2006

Mt. Faber, Singapore

Saturday, 22 July 2006

We went to Mt. Faber Saturday evening.

Mt. Faber is located across Sentosa Island, and one of the oldest parks in Singapore. At Mt. Faber we can enjoy the view of the lush greenery of the rainforest.

How to get there?
If you drive, just turning into Mount Faber Road from Lower Delta Road or Kampong Bahru Road will take you straight up to the peak. You can also choose to turn into Morse Road from Telok Blangah Road, park along Mount Faber Loop and take a leisurely walk along the scenic route up to The Jewel Box.
By MRT: take train to HarbourFront MRT Station and take Cable Car from HarbourFront Tower Two Cable Car Station

By Bus: SBS transit new service Parks 409 will available daily every half an hour. Monday-Friday: 6 pm-3 am; Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays & Eves: 7 am - 3 am. The loop service is covers the Jewel Box, Seah Im Bus Interchange and HarbourFront Coach Bay.

What is THE JEWEL BOX? Located 90 m above sea level, from this place we can enjoy the fascinating view of Singapore's city skyline and its surrounding islands. The highlights of The Jewel Box: - Faber Hill Bistro for elegant dining experience
- The Altivo Bar and Faber Rock
- The Glass Bar for mellow evening chill-outs
- Romantic Sky Dining in the privacy of the cable car
- Faber Forest retail shop of gifts and souvenirs

Below the Jewel Box you can find Marine Deck and enjoy seafood there. Along the road up/down by foot, we always can stop and take a rest while enjoy the view of the rainforest and Singapore City view. For those who drive, can park the car here for S$1.00 per hour. Otherwise, just keep drive up, and along the road you can find the free car park.

Also, many telescope available should you want to take a closer look of the other side of the island.

If you like to make yourself sweat, just keep going up until the Peak, where you will find the wall with the story and pictures of Singapore History since 13th century until now..

Also, the Merlion is there standing to watch the peak of Mt. Faber....

Before reach the peak, you have to climb quite some of the stairs and enjoy the flowers garden along the road...

Don't forget to bring along your water bottle... as at the peak, no stall or cafe to quench your thirst....

You need more information??? Click here: Mount Faber

Friday, July 21, 2006

Johor Bahru and Cooking Class

Thursday, 20 July 2006

As usual, every Thursday I go to Johor Bahru (Malaysia). But this time, I have one passenger: Devi Ramu aka Devi Tampines aka Katherine Devi...

We left Singapore for JB at 07.45 and since the traffic were smooth... at about 08.45 we already reached Johor Jaya. I need to go to farm and have a meeting, so I have to leave Devi at SMart Market, near Carefour. Unfortunately, both places will only open at 10-11 o'clock...

Near the parking lot, we saw one stall opened and we went to take a look... ooppss, we saw Indonesian's kueh... 3 for RM1.00. The cooker is from East Jawa, Indonesia..
I left Devi there and she managed to find tukang baso ['meat ball seller'] originally from Jawa... oh. oh.. my saliva .... dropped! Next time I have to find this tukang baso...!

After meeting, I fetched Devi and we had Sushi as our lunch with one of my colleague, Sam.
After lunch, Devi want to have durian... and both of them, Devi and Sam enjoyed their durian party.. (oopss.. if only 1 durian will it be called party too??) for RM 9.00, then we proceed back to Singapore.

...... durian party ...... yummy..
now is the durian's season.. very-very cheap

After I dropped Sam and stopped by at my house to keep the 'urap2' that I bought from JB, we went to Nisi's house, Hong Leong Garden at West Coast Drive...

Ibu-ibu from ISM (Lia, Eno, Elda, Irma, Astri, Dini and Eva- I could not find her blog... ) were learning how to bake Tiramisu, Pavlova, and Opera Cake... Cerita lengkap tentang acara cooking class bisa dibaca di blognya Ibu Aci ... klik sini lho.

Untuk ngeliat lebih banyak foto dan cerita tentang aktivitas hari itu, bisa diliat di sini...jepretannya Dini (tuh yang lagi sibuk ambil foto berbaju biru..)

I just too happy to meet up with them after so many months only know them by names and some at their blogs/emails... Sekarang temenku bertambah.... seneng ketemu dan kenalan dengan kalian semua...!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Fort Canning and East Coast

Saturday, 8 July 2006
After one week full with guests, finally we had our own free time... and this time we went to Fort Canning Park, one of the historical heritage in Nature in Singapore.

The history of this place arose around 1300 AD (14th Century) and consider as the most historic part of Singapore.

The main entrances are from Hill Street, Canning Rise, Percival Road, River Valley Road, Canning Walk (behind Park Mall, Dobby Ghaut).

How to get here: Many buses:
SBS services no. 7, 14, 16, 32, 36, 54, 111, 124, 131, 145, 147, 162, 166, 174, 195
SMRT services no. 77, 106, 167, 171, 190, 700, 851, 857
MRT to Dhoby Ghaut, Clarke Quay and City Hall Stations follows with short walk.

In this place, you can take a leisurely stroll back in time and will find the 'Keramat' Iskandar Syah, a traditional burial ground of a revered leader. The Spice Garden is good place to learn and know how is the look of certain spice, Asean Sculpture Garden (but nothing muh there), the Fort Gate, Battle Box, etc... also you can find a few rare plants, like canon ball (see the picture here), Saga Seed, Coffee, Banyan Tree, etc.

During that evening, we met 3 wedding party, 1 Chinese couple and 2 Malay couples.
The had their party at Fort Canning Green, Fort Canning Centre and near the Battle Box's garden.

Tired and thirsty after a walk? You can stop at Flutes at the Fort and The Legends Fort Canning Park to take a sip and rest.

Need further information?? Please click here: or call their hotline 1800-4717300. Enjoy your outing..!

Saturday, 15 July 2006

In the afternoon, we went to Katharina Devi (known as Devi-Ramu or Devi Tampines) one of the member of IIS or ISM, milis groups in Singapore..
We arrived at about 13.30 for Mie Bangka lunch ... cooked by our chef, Ms. Devi. Only 4 of us were there, the fourth person is Jahja Saputra, a joker!!!
We had a nice and great afternoon... Unfortunately I forgotton to take any picture, so... that's all!

From Tampines, since the day still early, we stopped by at East Coast Park for an afternoon walk. And we saw that there is a new attraction over here, the SKI360o.

Those who like ski, can come here to have fun. Cable skiing or wakeboarding as its name implies, is waterskiing or wakeboarding where the participants are not pulled by a boat but by an overhead cable, very similar to a snow ski lift, but erected around the banks of a lake.

Most the visitors or players are tourists... only a few locals play. And I believe this place only for those who already know how to ski.. as I did not see any instructor at that time.

You know how to ski but no equipment?? Don't worry, they also provide the equipments.

When your turn, just scan the barcode at your wrist, then hold on the holder, and BYURRR.. go and skiing... for a few laps. Everything is controlled by computer, when the time is up, then the string will loose and you unable to ski anymore..

You dont feel or dont know how ski but like to watch them...? Just sit at the Ski360o cafe next to the 'lake'.

The rates: Weekdays (10am - 7pm) $30 for 1 hour; $45 for 2 hours
Weekends (9am - 1pm) $40 for 1 hour; $60 for 2 hours, ...


More information???? Click here:

Have a good week end!