Monday, August 13, 2007

Polusi...... Haze.......

Mulai hari ini sampai 10 September, kalau jalan2 di seputar kota Singapore, pasti akan merasakan apa itu yang namanya polusi asap.. bener2 kayak HAZE!!! Buat nafas sesak, baju dan rambut bau asap... belum kertas2 bekas bakaran yang terbang melayang-layang....
Polusi ini dikarenakan banyaknya orang2 yang membakar kertas sembahyangan beserta dupanya... karena hari ini berdasarkan penanggalan Cina adalah tanggal 1 bulan 7. "Bulan 7" menurut kepercayaan mereka adalah bulan Hantu (Ghost month).

Sekedar article yang aku comot dari sini tentang Ghost_Festival:
In Chinese tradition, the seventh month in the Chinese calendar is called the Ghost Month (鬼月), in which ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower world to visit earth. The Ghost Festival is the climax of a series of the Ghost Month celebrations. Traditionally, ancestor worshiping was an important part of the festivals, with activities including preparing ritualistic offering food, and burning hell money and bags containing cloth to please the visiting ghosts and spirits of the ancestors, as well as other deities. Other activities include, burying and releasing miniature paper boats and lanterns on water, which signifies "giving directions to the lost ghosts and spirits of the ancestors and other deities." A very solemn festival of ancestor worshiping, the festival nevertheless represents a connection between the ancestors and the descendants, the living and the dead, earth and heaven, as well as body and soul.
In Singapore (I don't know in other countries), during Ghost month, you will find stage with loud and colourful Getais in the residential estates. A Getai (歌台), is a life stage performance by a group of singers, dancers and entertainers held during the Ghost Festival to entertain the spirits. The performers usually wear glittery and sexy costumes.The latest Loud and colourful 'getai' or 'song-stage' performers are taking the centrestage in MediaCorp Raintree Pictures' latest movie, "881 - pronounce it as ba ba yao". Director Roystan Tan and the actors made a special entrance to the news conference on Wednesday using a lorry that was also featured in the movie.

Want to see a clip of 881? Click 881 Sisters


icHaaWe said...

ada2 aja. ... hantu dijadiin festival ... tp kayaknya seru ...

wku said...

untung bukan asap dari negeri kita kan?? :)