Visiting Singapore?
Wanna try local foods? Fish Soup? Claypot rice? Yong To Fu? Chicken Rice? Rojak? Hokkian Mie?
I found this link for you: Singapore Hawker Guide.
Enjoy your meals ...........
Cerita Bagio dan Susana
Sekedar berbagi cerita tentang apa aja, dari kegiatan masa kecil, masa sekolah, maupun masa kini, dari a sampe z.. Just to share our activities now and then..
Friday, August 15, 2014
Visitor from Irvine, CA - 14 August 2014
Last night we had dinner together with our university friends, Ferryanto & Ningsih, who are staying at Irvine, CA.
We went to Xin Yuan Ji 新源记 (located at 31 Tan Quee Lan Street, opposite Bugis Junction) to try their famous fish soup. When we arrived around 7.15pm, there were long queue at the road side.. We have to wait about 30 min before we entered. If you come before 6pm, usually the queue not that long.
While waiting for the queue, Ningsih & I went to Bugis Village to take a look what its looks as she never been there. She managed to get FINE t-shirt for her 2 sons..
Before we entered into the restaurant, we already chose the foods that we would like to order. We just ordered: Slice fish (clear) soup, fried fish meat (milk) soup, fried beancurd with radish, and yam ring.
By the time we sat down, the foods & drinks were ready in 15 min despite the packed customers in the restaurant.
I enjoyed the fried beancurd with radish ..
Recently they just opened a new branch:
Blk 107 #01-00 Hougang Ave 1 S530107 ( off Lorong Ah Soo )
Tel : 67477713
Their speciality is charcoal fish head steamboat and fish head mee hoon soup and lots of local asian food delicacy..
We went to Xin Yuan Ji 新源记 (located at 31 Tan Quee Lan Street, opposite Bugis Junction) to try their famous fish soup. When we arrived around 7.15pm, there were long queue at the road side.. We have to wait about 30 min before we entered. If you come before 6pm, usually the queue not that long.
While waiting for the queue, Ningsih & I went to Bugis Village to take a look what its looks as she never been there. She managed to get FINE t-shirt for her 2 sons..
Before we entered into the restaurant, we already chose the foods that we would like to order. We just ordered: Slice fish (clear) soup, fried fish meat (milk) soup, fried beancurd with radish, and yam ring.
By the time we sat down, the foods & drinks were ready in 15 min despite the packed customers in the restaurant.
I enjoyed the fried beancurd with radish ..
More informations:
Xin Yuan Ji 新源记 (Tan
Quee Lan Street)
#01-01, 31 Tan Quee Lan Street
Tel: 6334 4086
Opening Hours: Daily 11am - 1am
#01-01, 31 Tan Quee Lan Street
Tel: 6334 4086
Opening Hours: Daily 11am - 1am
Recently they just opened a new branch:
Blk 107 #01-00 Hougang Ave 1 S530107 ( off Lorong Ah Soo )
Tel : 67477713
Their speciality is charcoal fish head steamboat and fish head mee hoon soup and lots of local asian food delicacy..
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
RIP Robin Williams
Robin Williams, Actor & Comedian dead at the age of 63.. (21 July 1951-11 August 2014), suspected suicide at his residence at California ..
Life is really unpredictable..
Dinner @ Curry Wok, Coronation Rd, Singapore
8 August 2014, with Jimmy & Joannie we went out to have dinner together at Curry Wok, located at 5 Coronation Rd, Coronation Arcade #01-04, next to Coronation Plaza, Singapore 269406. Tel: 64648878 to make an reservation or order for self-collect.
Many years ago, Bagio and I tried this eating plaza and we like it, especially its braised pork nuckle and its curry fish head. The foods is consider as Nyonya/Peranakan foods and home cook style.
The place is quite small, you can choose to sit inside (around 30-40 pax) or outside (10-12 pax).
We reached there about 7.45pm, and we ordered the set for 4 persons (Braised Pork Nuckle, curry fish head, cap jay and ngo hiang) add with otak-otak. I love the pork nuckle and curry fish head the most .. Worth to try .
If you come with 4 or 6 person, worth to order the set, unless you like to try something different from what the set have.
The menu can be seen here: Ala Carte Menu. Price per dish is between $8.00-$26.00.
We spent about S$77.00 with 4 plain rice and 4 drinks...
The opening hours: 11 AM - 9 AM, closed on Tuesdays.
You can call, order and collect: 6464 8878.
If you drive, you can park your car at Coronation Plaza Car Park.. or take bus and stop at Coronation Plaza (Bus No.
Many years ago, Bagio and I tried this eating plaza and we like it, especially its braised pork nuckle and its curry fish head. The foods is consider as Nyonya/Peranakan foods and home cook style.
The place is quite small, you can choose to sit inside (around 30-40 pax) or outside (10-12 pax).
We reached there about 7.45pm, and we ordered the set for 4 persons (Braised Pork Nuckle, curry fish head, cap jay and ngo hiang) add with otak-otak. I love the pork nuckle and curry fish head the most .. Worth to try .
If you come with 4 or 6 person, worth to order the set, unless you like to try something different from what the set have.
The menu can be seen here: Ala Carte Menu. Price per dish is between $8.00-$26.00.
We spent about S$77.00 with 4 plain rice and 4 drinks...
The opening hours: 11 AM - 9 AM, closed on Tuesdays.
You can call, order and collect: 6464 8878.
If you drive, you can park your car at Coronation Plaza Car Park.. or take bus and stop at Coronation Plaza (Bus No.
Monday, September 02, 2013
Manisan Cermai untuk Obat Tumor/Kanker ??
Dapat artikel berikut dari seorang temen ex. KarTur:
Harian BERNAS, Kamis Paing, 3 Agustus 2006. Halaman 4.
Manisan Ceremai Obat Tumor dan Kanker.
Berawal dari beberapa kejadian tanpa sengaja yang sangat menarik untuk dilakukan penelitian, lalu saya melaku - kan uji coba terhadap Manisan Cermai sebagai obat tumor kepada seorang wani ta yang habis dioperasi rahimnya karena penyakit tumor, tapi tumor itu tumbuh kembali 4 bulan kemudian.
Oleh dokter yang mengoperasinya dimmta untuk segera operasi lagi, karena tumor ganas, keadaannya dianggap cukup berbahaya, tapi pasien menolak.
Secara kebetulan pasien itu teman saya, dan setelah menceritakan masalahnya, saya sarankan untuk memakan "manisan buah ceremai" secara rutin, 2 kali sehari (pagi seperempat ons, sore seperempat ons), sehabis makan seperempat ons berisi: kira-kira 15 biji.manisan cermai.
Kesembuhan mulai terasa setelah selama sekitar 1 bulan memakan "manisan cermai" secara rutin.
Kalau dulu selalu terasa sakit (cekot-cekot) di rahim nya bila bekerja dalam posisi berdiri selama sekitar 1 jam sebagai capster di salon nya sendiri, sekarang sudah tidak lagi seperti itu. Rasa sakit itu hanya datang kadang kala saja.
Setelah sekitar 4 bulan memakan secara rutin, ia periksakan kembali penyakit di rahimnya, ternyata hasilnya sangat mengejutkan.
Oleh dokter yang selama ini menangani penyakit-nya dinyatakan "tumor sudah layu", alias hampir mati.
Dan setelah selama 2 tahun lebih memakan secara rutin, penderita sudah tidak lagi mengeluh sakit, tumor mati dan berhenti makan "manisan cermai".
Dari hasil uji coba tersebut dapat disimpulkan, bahwa manisan ceremai bersifat mematikan tumor-kanker, dan sejenisnya, terutama benih-benihnya yang tersebar di seiuruh tubuh. "Manisan ceremai" sebagai obat tumor /kanker ini sudah saya uji cobakan pada beberapa penderita, dan ternyata hasilnya cukup maksimal, tumor-kanker selalu layu dan mati.
Nah, kepada siapapun yang juga menderita penyakit "tumor-kanker", dan sejenisnya, seperti "kanker kelenjar getah bening" dan "leukemia" tidak usah kemana-mana, saya sarankan untuk memakan "manisan buah cermai".
Dan siapapun yang sempat membaca informasi "temuan baru obat herbal" ini tidak ada buruknya bila ikut membantu menyosialisasilcan kepada orang lain, supaya mereka yang sedang menderita penyakit tersebut dapat tersembuhkan.
Bagi para penderita HIV-AIDS tidak usah berkecil hati dan malu-malu, karena obatnya sudah saya temukan, dan telah digunakan untuk menyembuhkan 2 orang penderita HIV hanya dalam waktu 1 bulan pengobatan.
Silahkan menghubungi, identitas anda dirahasiakan.
Penulis : LieTjeDjen.
Jalan Brigjen Katamso 21
Harian BERNAS, Selasa Kliwon, 5 September 2006.
Manisan Cermai Obat Keputihan.
Penyakit keputihan adalah penyakit yang tampaknya sepele, tetapi berakibat pada memburuknya stamina fisik, selain itu juga sangat menjengkelkan.
Betapa tidak , Bila berjangkit pada pria, maka setiap kali habis buang air kecil "penis" hampir selalu meneteskan air maninya, tanpa didahului ereksi.
Karena kejadiannya terlalu sering, menyebabkan stamina fisik memburuk, sehingga susah bila setiap saat akan dipakai "berlaga", penis suka tertidur pulas.
Pada penderita wanita juga sama parahnya.
Darah putih mudah keluar, bila si penderita mengangkat barang berat, keletihan, terkejut, atau makan makanan yang menjadi pantangannya, seperti misalnya kubis, sawi putih, nenas, mentimun, dan lain-lain.
Dalam ilmu pengobatan traditional Cina, penyakit keputihan pada wanita dalam bahasa Mandarin disebut "Pai Tai", sedang kan pada pria disebut "Pai Tu".
Perlu diketahui bahwa penyakit ke-putihan dapat membahayakan keselamatan jiwa mantan penderitanya di kemudian hari.
Dibawah ini ceritanya. Selama melakukan pengamatan dan penelusuran terhadap penyakit tumor-kanker, banyak fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa para penderita penyakit tumor-kanker banyak yang berawal dari statusnya
yang mantan penderita penyakit keputihan.
Ada pula yang orangtuanya berstatus sebagai mantan penderita penyakit keputihan, tetapi putra-putrinya yang menderita penyakit tumor-kanker.
Pengamatan dan penelusuran tersebut telah mengantarkan saya pada kesimpulan, bahwa penyakit tumor-kanker berkaitan erat dengan penyakit keputihan.
Oleh karena itu manisan cermai saya uji cobakan pada para pengidap penyakit keputihan.
Alhasil, para penderita penyakit keputihan yang makan manisan ceremai selama 15 hari berturut-turut, berangsur-angsur menjadi baik, dan mengalami kesembuhan.
Tapi sebaiknya seorang penderita penyakit keputihan memakan manisan ceremai selama 1 bulan, supaya benar-benar sembuh secara tuntas.
Manisan ceremai sebagai obat penyakit keputihan nmerupakan temuan kedua setelah sebelumnya
" Manisan Cermai sebagai Obat Tumor dan Kanker".
Kepada masyarakat yang mengonsumsi manisan cermai untuk pengobatan, mohon penggunaanya sesuai jumlah yang saya anjurkan, tidak berlebihan, karena segala macam makanan selalu ada positif-negatif nya.
Apalagi penggunaannya dalam jangka waktu lama. Rasa masam dan manis berlebihan dapat merangsang lambung, dan lain sebagainya.
Untuk pengobatan berjangka waktu lama, 2 kali seperempat ons manisan cermai sehari untuk orang dewasa dengan berat badan sekitar 60 kg.
Untuk berat badan 120 kg dapat makan 2 kali setengah ons atau 4 kali seperempat ons sehari.
Sedangkan untuk ukuran berat badan 30 kg, sebanyak 2 kali seperdelapan ons sehari, dan seterusnya.
Penulis : LieTjeDjen.
Jalan Brigjen Katamso 21
Note ;
1. Lebih baik pakai Manisan Ciremai yang dijual di Toko2 Kue daripada Buah Ciremai segar,atau berusaha bikin sendiri Manisan Ciremai tsb.
2. Bila kondisi Kanker nya sedang terjadi Peradangan/bengkak , untuk menurunkan radang / rasa sakitnya, minumlah Rebusan Daun Benalu apa saja (yang umum biasanya Benalu Pohon Mangga.)
3. Bila ada sesuatu yang perlu ditanyakan, hubungi saja Pak Lie via HP yang nomornya tertulis pada artikel ini , beliau orangnya baik dan melayani pertanyaan2 kita dengan baik serta gratis (saya sdh pernah coba).
Harian BERNAS, Senin Paing, 11-12-2006.
Atasi "Kanker Kelenjar Getah Bening" ?
Seorang pembantu rumah tangga saya pernah terjangkit penyakit "kanker kelenjar getah bening" saat masih menjadi TKI di Malaysia sekitar 3 tahun: yang lalu. la berhasil sembuh dari penyakitnya setelah berobat ke dokter selama kira-kira 3 bulan.
Saat melepas pasien yang telah sembuh dari penyakit tersebut, sang dokter berpesan : "Jaga kesehatan baik-baik, jangan,sampai penyakitnya terulang dua kali (tiga kali sakit). Dari kata-kata dokter itu tersimpul pengertian yang kurang lebih maksudnya begini:
"Bila penyakitnya terulang sampai dua kali, akan sulit obat; -nya".
Di kota Yogyakarta ada beberapa orang telah meninggal karena penyakit kanker kelenjar getah bening kambuh yang kedua kali (tiga kali sakit).
Tapi ada beberapa orang dapat bertahan hidup, walaupun penyakit kanker kelenjar getah bening yang dideritanya sudah kambuh,sampai 4 kali, ternyata selama itu ia pernah beberapa kali makan manisan ceremai.
Saat pembantu rumah tangga itu telah bekerja pada saya selama sekitar 3 bulan, penyakitnya kambuh, dan tiga hari berturut-turut tidak dapat masuk kerja. Oleh dokter yang memeriksa dinyatakan terjangkit penyakit "kanker kelenjar .
getah bening", dan diberi obat untuk jangka waktu 3 - 4 hari. Setelah obat habis, ia masih mengeluh sakit.
Katanya, rasa sakit di sekujur tubuhnya hanya berkurang sedikit.
Saya sarankan untuk kembali memeriksakan diri ke dokter, apalagi bila penyakitnya termasuk jenis penyakit yang sulit sembuh secara tuntas.
Tapi entah karena apa saya tidak tahu, "ia menolak".
Karena penyakit ini termasuk salah-satu jenis penyakit kanker, maka solusi yang saya tawarkan adalah "Manisan cermai sebagai obatnya", seperempat ons pagi dan seperempat ons sore.
Anehnya, ia menerima dengan penuh keyakinan untuk sembuh. Setelah pengobatan dengan manisan cermai ber-
jalan selama tiga hari, rasa sakit di tubuh nya mulai banyak berkurang.
Benjolan-benjolan "kanker kelenjar getah bening" yang ada di kepala dan belakang telinga (dibawah kulit) juga tampak sudah mulai mengendor.
Saat pengobatan telah melewati 10 hari, semua benjolan menghilang, tak ada lagi rasa sakit di sekujur tubuhnya. Walaupun telah sembuh, saya menyarankan untuk terus mengonsumsi manisan cermai selama setidak-tidaknya sampai genap 14 bulan.
Sungguh suatu keajaiban Tuhan, beberapa bulan telah berlalu ia masih tetap sehat walafiat tanpa keluhan apapun sampai berita ini dimuat di Harian Bernas Yogya.
Menurut pendapat saya? untuk mencapai hasil yang maksimal sampai bersih dari penyakit kanker kelenjar getah bening, seorang penderita sebaiknya mengonsumsi manisan cermai selama 1 bulan.
Semoga temuan ini ber-manfaat.
Penulis : Lie Tje Djen.
Jalan Brigjen Katamso 21
Tolong agar Artikel ini disebarkan via Email kepada Kenalan atau Teman2 anda atau di Print dan di Foto Copy agar bisa diberikan kepada Orang lain yang sedang menderita Penyakit mematikan tersebut diatas,terutam orang2 yang tidak mampu.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Belajar Bahasa Inggris ..
Bukan main = no play
Eigendom = gobloke dewe
Mata keranjang = eye basket
Boyolali = crocodile forget
Mata uang = eye money
Matahari = eye day
Suara hati = voice liver
Boyolali = crocodile forget
Mata uang = eye money
Matahari = eye day
Suara hati = voice liver
Surat kaleng = letter can
Kereta api = car fire
Mata kaki = eye foot
Kabar angin = news wind
Mata kaki = eye foot
Kabar angin = news wind
Kuku = nail
Paku = nail
Anak angkat = child lift
Anak angkat = child lift
Main mata = play eye
Bulan madu = moon honey
Sama sama lapar = same same hungry
Sama sama lapar = same same hungry
Buku buku jari = book book finger
Sama sekali tidak = same once not
Sama sekali tidak = same once not
Kursi malas = chair lazy
Malu malu kucing = shy shy cat
Tali pusat = cord center
Tali pusat = cord center
Air mata buaya = tear crocodile
Happy learning .............. Bahagia belajar ..............
Thursday, July 18, 2013
..........7 reasons why you attract mosquitoes more than others
7 reasons why you attract mosquitoes more than others (By Nurul Azliah Aripin)
Have you ever wondered why you attract more mosquitoes than say the person sitting beside you?
With dengue, a disease transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, having spiked in Singapore to 13,000 cases since the start of the year and resulted in four deaths, it becomes more important to find out why.
According to an article by U.S. health expert Lisa Collier Cool, there are seven reasons why you might be a mosquito magnet.
• Mosquitoes prefer blood type O
Based on a Japanese study, mosquitoes are “twice as likely” to feed on people with blood type O as they are considered tastier than those with other blood types.
• Attracted to beer drinkers
The Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) reported that more mosquitoes will land on someone after “beer ingestion” than someone who has not taken the drink. This means that you are more at risk of a mosquito bite after drinking a bottle of beer.
• More active during full moon
The bloodsuckers are also “500 times” more active when there is a full moon, AMCA said. Their peak feeding periods are during dusk and dawn, and they can travel up to 40 miles (over 60 km) to pursue their meal.
• Love the smell of dirty feet
Dutch scientist Bart Knols discovered that mosquitoes love the pungent smell of dirty feet, according to an experiment he did on himself. Wearing only his underwear, Knols sat in a laboratory filled with mosquitoes and saw them flying straight to his smelly feet. The mosquitoes then bit at other random spots after his feet were washed and deodorised.
• Mosquitoes know if a woman is pregnant
Mosquitoes are attracted to “moisture and carbon dioxide” in your breath, which is exhaled 21 per cent more by a pregnant woman, according to a study in Gambia. They are also attracted to a pregnant woman’s skin, which tends to be warmer and moister, said in the study.
• Exercising ups the risk
“Physical activity ups the risk for bites by as much as 50 per cent,” said AMCA, as more carbon dioxide is exhaled and more sweat is produced while exercising. The sweat produced also contains substances such as lactic acid, which attracts mosquitoes.
• They prefer dark coloured clothing
Wearing black and red puts you at highest risk of mosquito bites while wearing light coloured clothes such as khaki, green, light khaki and yellow, do not. Meanwhile, grey and blue are neutral.
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Resep: Lemet Singkong
Tiba2 pingin makan lemet, salah satu makanan ndeso.
Ke pasar, beli singkong dan kelapa parut.Panen pandan di halaman tetangga *ssstttt*, siapin gula merah, gula pasir dan vanili bubuk dari stok yang ada......... Nyomot daun pisang dari kebun kantor .............
Singkong diparut (tentunya setelah dikupas ya), dicampur dengan kelapa parut, gula merah yg sudah disisir, gula pasir dan vanili bubuk secukupnya. Tambahkan sedikit garam.
Ambil daun pisang, letakkan adonan yg sudah dicampur tadi, beri sepotong daun pandan. Lipat daun pisang.
Setelah semua selesai, kukus .............
Kriiiiinnnnggggggggggggggggg.... Setelah 30 menit, biarkan sebentar baru boleh dinikmati *daripada resiko bibir dan lidah terbakar karena panas*.
Gampang dan yummy.........
Ke pasar, beli singkong dan kelapa parut.Panen pandan di halaman tetangga *ssstttt*, siapin gula merah, gula pasir dan vanili bubuk dari stok yang ada......... Nyomot daun pisang dari kebun kantor .............
Singkong diparut (tentunya setelah dikupas ya), dicampur dengan kelapa parut, gula merah yg sudah disisir, gula pasir dan vanili bubuk secukupnya. Tambahkan sedikit garam.
Ambil daun pisang, letakkan adonan yg sudah dicampur tadi, beri sepotong daun pandan. Lipat daun pisang.
Setelah semua selesai, kukus .............
Kriiiiinnnnggggggggggggggggg.... Setelah 30 menit, biarkan sebentar baru boleh dinikmati *daripada resiko bibir dan lidah terbakar karena panas*.
Gampang dan yummy.........
Friday, May 10, 2013
Best Divorce Letter
Dear Wife,
I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever. I’ve been a good man to you for 7 years & I have nothing to show for it. These last 2 weeks have been hell. ... Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today & that was the last straw. Last week, you came home & didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything that connects us as husband & wife. Either you’re cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore; whatever the case, I’m gone.
Your EX-Husband
P.S. don’t try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!
Dear Ex-Husband
Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It’s true you & I have been married for 7 years, although a good man is a far cry from what you’ve been. I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining & griping Too bad that doesn’t work. I DID notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the 1st thing that came to mind was ‘You look just like a girl!’ Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can’t say something nice, I didn’t comment. And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MY SISTER, because I stopped eating pork 7 years ago. About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, & I prayed it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed $50 from me that morning. After all of this, I still loved you & felt we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my job & bought us 2 tickets to Jamaica But when I got home you were gone.. Everything happens for a reason, I guess. I hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won’t get a dime from me. So take care.
Signed, Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell & Free!
P.S. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that’s not a problem
Part 8: Holiday to South Island of New Zealand (28 Nov-13 Dec 2012) -13 December 2012
13 December 2012: Christchurch - Sydney - Singapore
Today was the last day of our trip ............Sad yet happy. Too many sweet memories with beautiful sceneries on our mind and pictures..
Our flight to Singapore was afternoon. So after we returned the car that we rent, we still have 3 hours before heading for airport.
We decided to go to Botanic Garden again, but enter from the other entrance as I haven't taken one of the landmark of Christchurch Botanic Garden, i.e. The peacock fountain.
We arrived at Chirstchurch International airport at 12PM. We had lunch at the airport. After taking picture and pray together, we went in to the Departure Lounge for last minute shopping .. We found NZ-T-shirt, magnets and some souveniers to bring back to Singapore ...............
We arrived safely @ Singapore Changi airport about 22.00.
Thank God and our Lord Jesus Christ for all His leadings and blessing, we all could enjoy this trip very much and have a good blending ..
Our sincere thanks to:
* Bro. Hong/Sis. Lily/Esther/Edmund for all the hospitality, arrangement and companions during our stayed .
* Bro Danai&Jess/Quenny/Helen/Sarah Ting for your hospitality and brought us for a walk despise your busy schedules...
* Bro. Wu and family that allow us to visit your farm and purposely went to Kaikoura to get alive and fresh and yummy abalone for us..
* Bro Yew and family, Bro John from Farmer Corners, and all the saints from the church in Christchurch..
Hope to see you all in the near future for more blending ..
NZ ................. we will go to visit you again ....... *now time to work and save money for the next trip .. *
After this wonderful trip, there are few things to consider if we travel again to NZ:
1. If travel duirng summer time (December-February):
a. the most expensive time for travelling to NZ, as many locals also on holiday, espesially for the month of December.
b. the weather most of the time just nice for us from tropic countries (Asian).
c. the humidity very low, will not sweat, needs a lots of water and also lotion for our body.
d. the UV super-duper high.. make sure bring sunglasses.
e. day time is longer. The sun rise about 5AM and set about 10PM. Longer time for sightseeing.
f. wear 2 layers cloths are better than 1 but thick .. The weather change very fast within 1 day.
2. When rent a car for drive on your own, familiar with the traffic regulations. Signal is a must, at least blinking for 3 seconds.
3. Give ample time when travelling from 1 place to another place.. too many good spots for us to stop and take pictures.
4. If possible, prepare your own meals (specially for breakfast and dinner), will save you a lots of money. Many motels/inns are self-contained, either minimalis or complete ones. Our experience: take away foods are cheaper than dine in..
5. wat else??? Will add on when remember .................
Today was the last day of our trip ............Sad yet happy. Too many sweet memories with beautiful sceneries on our mind and pictures..
Our flight to Singapore was afternoon. So after we returned the car that we rent, we still have 3 hours before heading for airport.
We decided to go to Botanic Garden again, but enter from the other entrance as I haven't taken one of the landmark of Christchurch Botanic Garden, i.e. The peacock fountain.
Beautiful flower bed |
Peacock Fountain |
We arrived at Chirstchurch International airport at 12PM. We had lunch at the airport. After taking picture and pray together, we went in to the Departure Lounge for last minute shopping .. We found NZ-T-shirt, magnets and some souveniers to bring back to Singapore ...............
Group picture @ the airport |
Pray to thank God for all and ask His Leading for the future.. |
Lunch |
Christchurch-Sydney |
Till I see you again, snow-capped moutains... |
Sydney-Singapore with A-380 |
A-380 brought us back from Sydney to Singapore |
We arrived safely @ Singapore Changi airport about 22.00.
Thank God and our Lord Jesus Christ for all His leadings and blessing, we all could enjoy this trip very much and have a good blending ..
Our sincere thanks to:
* Bro. Hong/Sis. Lily/Esther/Edmund for all the hospitality, arrangement and companions during our stayed .
* Bro Danai&Jess/Quenny/Helen/Sarah Ting for your hospitality and brought us for a walk despise your busy schedules...
* Bro. Wu and family that allow us to visit your farm and purposely went to Kaikoura to get alive and fresh and yummy abalone for us..
* Bro Yew and family, Bro John from Farmer Corners, and all the saints from the church in Christchurch..
Hope to see you all in the near future for more blending ..
NZ ................. we will go to visit you again ....... *now time to work and save money for the next trip .. *
After this wonderful trip, there are few things to consider if we travel again to NZ:
1. If travel duirng summer time (December-February):
a. the most expensive time for travelling to NZ, as many locals also on holiday, espesially for the month of December.
b. the weather most of the time just nice for us from tropic countries (Asian).
c. the humidity very low, will not sweat, needs a lots of water and also lotion for our body.
d. the UV super-duper high.. make sure bring sunglasses.
e. day time is longer. The sun rise about 5AM and set about 10PM. Longer time for sightseeing.
f. wear 2 layers cloths are better than 1 but thick .. The weather change very fast within 1 day.
2. When rent a car for drive on your own, familiar with the traffic regulations. Signal is a must, at least blinking for 3 seconds.
3. Give ample time when travelling from 1 place to another place.. too many good spots for us to stop and take pictures.
4. If possible, prepare your own meals (specially for breakfast and dinner), will save you a lots of money. Many motels/inns are self-contained, either minimalis or complete ones. Our experience: take away foods are cheaper than dine in..
5. wat else??? Will add on when remember .................
Part 7: Holiday to South Island of New Zealand (28 Nov-13 Dec 2012) - 11-12 December 2012
We just had a simple breakfast, then bought some bread and/or sandwich at Do Duck in Bakery at the next door of our motel..
Stopped about 30 min at Spring Junction for toilet break and snacking time. 3 scoops of Tip Top ice cream cost only N$3.80 from Alpine Motor Inn & Cafe.
After 1hour drove, we reached Hanmer Springs, famous for its thermal pools and spa. We did not have much time to deep into the pool, so just took a walk in the surounding area. Maybe next time have to stay longer to enjoy the hot springs..
The name 'Kaikoura' translates to 'meal of crayfish' ('kai'- food/meal, 'koura' - crayfish).
Kaikoura is famous for its crayfish and sperm whale watching. It is a small town with beautiful view of the mountains and sea.
Since Kaikoura is famous for crayfish, we all agreed to taste the crayfish as our dinner. We found Lobster Inn Restaurant and Pub at the nearby area and after looked into the menu, we ordered and enjoyed our foods.
We booked the earliest tour for Whale Watch, at 07.15AM (only during Summer Time they have this slot of tour. The price for adults NZ$145.00 and children NZ$60). We chose this timing, other than to save time, as today was our last day and had to go back to Christchurch before 4PM, also the wave will be calmer in the morning, not so rough compare with noon or afternoon time. We were lucky as the weather was bright and sunshine.
Their website wrote the following statements on 6 May 2013: We awoke to a very windy and rainy day today as did pretty much the whole country. With the wind came rough sea conditions and none of our tours being able to sail today. The forecast is for things to ease overnight which we are very much hoping for.
After we registered ourselves at the desk, while waiting for the timing of tour, they played the video about this tour and about the whales in general. We took bus to go to the jetty and boarded into the boat.
The total journey on the sea about 2.5hrs. Most of the time we had to sit inside the boat, only when the captain or crews saw something interesting, then we all can go out to the deck. I got sea-sickness and throwed-out 3 times. The crews are very experienced and helpful in this matters.
After more than 1 hours on the sea, we managed to see 2 sperm-whales from quite a near distance. Also some dolphins were following closely our boat. And some birds like albatross also appeared.
*if during this trip no whale can be seen, they will refund 80% of the price that we paid, see here.* The chances of seeing whale in Kaikoura is very high as they said, there are few sperm whales residing in this area.
Before we headed to Christchurch, we stopped at Kaikoura Lavendyl Lavender Farm. I was very happy to see the lavender farm. So many years I was waiting to visit Lavender Farm.. and finally ............ eventhough the plants not yet all fully bloom .. The visit to their garden with a free donation of N$2.00 per person.
You can buy all types of products made of Lavender in their gift shop.
We left Cheviot about 2.30PM for Christchurch. Along the way, we enjoyed the sceneries. Suddenly on the road side we saw many sheep *actually since day one, we saw many flock of sheep along the way, but no opportunity to stop and taking their photo except at Te Anau*.
We stopped to take the picture of the sheep, happened we stopped at the area of Mud House Wines, Waipara Hills. Another wine tasting and some bought the wine.
At 4.15PM we arrived at sis. Lily/Bro. Hong's house. Had a rest before we were heading to Br. Yew's house for love feast.
Surfing time *free wifi* |
One for each one of us |
Ice cream, anyone?? |
View from Greymouth to Hanmer Spring |
Hanmer Springs Park |
Another 2 hrs driving from Hanmer Springs, we reached Kaikoura at 4.10PM. We found the motel, Willowbank Motel, without any problem as it location is at the main road. After checked-in, rested, snack, bathed, we went out for a short walk, 15 min, to supermarket and do some shopping.
Yellow wild flowers along the road |
The name 'Kaikoura' translates to 'meal of crayfish' ('kai'- food/meal, 'koura' - crayfish).
Kaikoura is famous for its crayfish and sperm whale watching. It is a small town with beautiful view of the mountains and sea.
Since Kaikoura is famous for crayfish, we all agreed to taste the crayfish as our dinner. We found Lobster Inn Restaurant and Pub at the nearby area and after looked into the menu, we ordered and enjoyed our foods.
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White Bait patties |
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Cray Fish .. |
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Seafood Chodder |
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We booked the earliest tour for Whale Watch, at 07.15AM (only during Summer Time they have this slot of tour. The price for adults NZ$145.00 and children NZ$60). We chose this timing, other than to save time, as today was our last day and had to go back to Christchurch before 4PM, also the wave will be calmer in the morning, not so rough compare with noon or afternoon time. We were lucky as the weather was bright and sunshine.
Dolphin |
Did you see the rainbow at the water's splash??? |
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The splash of the sperm-whale |
Their website wrote the following statements on 6 May 2013: We awoke to a very windy and rainy day today as did pretty much the whole country. With the wind came rough sea conditions and none of our tours being able to sail today. The forecast is for things to ease overnight which we are very much hoping for.
After we registered ourselves at the desk, while waiting for the timing of tour, they played the video about this tour and about the whales in general. We took bus to go to the jetty and boarded into the boat.
The total journey on the sea about 2.5hrs. Most of the time we had to sit inside the boat, only when the captain or crews saw something interesting, then we all can go out to the deck. I got sea-sickness and throwed-out 3 times. The crews are very experienced and helpful in this matters.
Get ready to dive into the water |
*if during this trip no whale can be seen, they will refund 80% of the price that we paid, see here.* The chances of seeing whale in Kaikoura is very high as they said, there are few sperm whales residing in this area.
Before we headed to Christchurch, we stopped at Kaikoura Lavendyl Lavender Farm. I was very happy to see the lavender farm. So many years I was waiting to visit Lavender Farm.. and finally ............ eventhough the plants not yet all fully bloom .. The visit to their garden with a free donation of N$2.00 per person.
You can buy all types of products made of Lavender in their gift shop.
Lavender Flowers@ Lavender Farm |
Photo taking all the time .. |
We left Lavender Farm about 12.20, after 1 hour spent in the farm to enjoy the beautiful flowers and photo taking..
We stopped at Cheviot for lunch @ Cheviot Tea Rooms.
Soup and Toast for N$7.40 from Cheviot Tea Rooms |
We left Cheviot about 2.30PM for Christchurch. Along the way, we enjoyed the sceneries. Suddenly on the road side we saw many sheep *actually since day one, we saw many flock of sheep along the way, but no opportunity to stop and taking their photo except at Te Anau*.
We stopped to take the picture of the sheep, happened we stopped at the area of Mud House Wines, Waipara Hills. Another wine tasting and some bought the wine.
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Mud House Wines, Waipara Hills |
Beautiful garden to be enjoyed with a sip of wine |
The flock of sheep @ Mud House Wines |
At 4.15PM we arrived at sis. Lily/Bro. Hong's house. Had a rest before we were heading to Br. Yew's house for love feast.
Bro. Yew's laundry service |
Delicious foods prepared with love by the saints |
Spread of foods.. Fresh Abalone from Kaikoura at the left below |
Tonight is our last night @ New Zealand ...... Packing... and get ready to fly back to Singapore tomorrow morning ....................
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